Collecting a Home

Tryouts on living in the city: Four possible homes


Final Thesis Project, Bezalel Academy of Art and Design
Instructors: Prof. Zvi Efrat, Deborah Pinto Fdeda, Ifat Finkelman

Awards: Winner of Archiprix International Hunter Douglas Award, 2019
Winner of HOME Competition 2018, Adaptablity award
Finalist at the Azrieli Foundation Prize

Together with Stav Dror 

When the value of a city home is estimated at 200 salaries, it makes sense to think about home as a ‘thing’ that can be bough or obtained, home becomes a collectiabel and its parts - replaceable. In such a home, structural elements such as the window, door, stairs, wall or ceiling undergo a process of objectification, transforming into units arranged in space and home is articulated as a composition that differs from the traditional approach to
figure ground. The act of moving units in time becomes the new household and the changing appearance of the home indicates on he who lives in it. One could have his own home collection which he can take with him whenever and wherever he goes. This is living as an ongoing project in which the home becomes an object of desire.

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el.em studio  לירן מסר