Tangram: Complex Shapes

an interactive exhibition at the Tel Aviv Museum of Arts


Designed for Tel Aviv Museum of Arts
Curator: Naama Bar Or
Photos: Flora Deborah, Elad Sarig,  Haaretz

Together with Deborah Pinto Fdeda &
Stav Dror

Inside the gallery space, basic geometrical shapes were scaled up and extruded into three dimensional building blocks, these lightweight, child-scaled elements can be shoved, thrown or placed precisely on top of matching silhouettes projected on the gallery walls and floor, transforming two dimensional images into three dimensional situations. As three dimensional situations are assembled and disassembled, a landscape on which a child can sit, talk or hide is revealed and the gallery space turns into a place of spontaneous play. The concept of assembling and disassembling was further expressed in the room-scale as a thickened wall was built in order to store compactly the building blocks and clear entirely the floor, allowing to recurring transformation of space from a museum gallery into a messy playground. two pyramid-like staircases were built as the only fixed elements, on top of them, high above the floor, one can observe the constantly changing appearance of the space, hinting on the potential of assembling and disassembling endlessly.

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el.em studio  לירן מסר